VBS Training Videos

The virtual Concrete and Cranes VBS is another option for churches to utilize this year. VBS SC is a digital resource packed with the tools you’ll need for an awesome virtual experience for your kid’s ministry. It includes personalized content from SC church leaders that is fun, engaging, and above all, focused on God’s word. Families will explore what it means to build their faith on Jesus and uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.
Request a SCBC VBS Team Leader
Need a specific topic covered at your church? Our conference leaders can help you navigate any VBS topic. Request a SCBC VBS Leadership Team member to help you lead your VBS training.
Request VBS Materials
Do you need additional resources from a current or past VBS to use in your church? Whatever the reason, we would love to share our resources with you! Did you know the SCBC has a copy of every VBS from the past few years? Come borrow what resources you need, use them, and then bring them back for the next church to check out. It’s a great way to steward what God has given us.
LifeWay’s VBS Website: https://vbs.lifeway.com
LifeWay’s VBS Shop: https://www.lifeway.com/en/shop/vacation-bible-school
Downloads and Media: https://vbs.lifeway.com/resources/
NEW! VBS Directors Club: https://vbs.lifeway.com/directors-club/
LifeWay’s VBS Blog: https://vbs.lifeway.com/blog/
Join Our Facebook Group
Are you a VBS Director within South Carolina? You’re invited to join our private SCBC Vacation Bible School Facebook Group to connect, share ideas, and get information from others across our state!

Questions? We are here to help!!
Associate Director: Preschool and Children’s Ministry
kathymiles@scbaptist.org | 803.227.6061
Contact our Preschool and Children's Team
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