
Eight Steps to Sharing the Gospel with Children

Eight Steps to Sharing the Gospel with Children

Sharing the Gospel message with children is a crucial responsibility that holds immense value in the eyes of Jesus.

In Matthew 18:1-5, we see Jesus emphasizing the importance of childlike faith and the significance of welcoming children. To effectively communicate the Gospel to children, we will explore eight steps that will help you share a clear message that resonates with them.

Step One: Rely on the Holy Spirit

  1. Trust the Holy Spirit’s guidance: Pray for the Holy Spirit to equip and guide you as you share the message with a child.
  2. Practice and become familiar: Spend time practicing your presentation to feel more comfortable and confident when sharing with children.

Step Two: Provide Individual Attention

  1. Avoid large group appeals: Engage with each child individually, allowing for personal interaction and the opportunity to ask questions.
  2. Eliminate distractions: Minimize external disturbances to create a conducive environment for focused conversation.
  3. Build a relationship: Get to know the child, ask for their name, and use it frequently during the conversation to establish trust.

Step Three: Use the Bible as the Primary Tool

  1. Establish the authority of the Bible: Emphasize that the Bible is the true Word of God.
  2. Read directly from the Bible: Share key verses related to salvation, underlining and bookmarking them for easy reference.
  3. Incorporate gospel tracts: Utilize visual aids such as gospel tracts to support and guide your conversation, leaving a tangible reminder for the child.

Step Four: Ask Open-Ended Questions

  1. Encourage the child to express their understanding: Pose questions that require more than a simple yes or no answer.
  2. Clarify any misunderstandings: Be prepared to explain concepts further and address any areas of confusion.

Step Five: Simplify Your Language

  1. Adapt to a child’s concrete thinking: Use language and examples that children can easily comprehend.
  2. Explain key terms: Define words such as sin, God, and Jesus in a way that is relatable to their everyday experiences.

Step Six: Guard Your Emotions

  1. Maintain a balanced approach: Avoid pressuring the child or displaying excessive emotions that may influence their decision.
  2. Speak truthfully and genuinely: Let the Holy Spirit work in the child’s heart while you faithfully share the Gospel.

Step Seven: Guide the Child in Decision-Making

  1. Recognize different stages of readiness: Understand that a child’s response may vary.
  2. Encourage prayer: Allow the child to express their desire to accept Jesus by praying, acknowledging their sin, and trusting in His sacrifice.

Step Eight: Follow Up and Provide Resources

  1. Inform parents or guardians: Share the child’s decision with their family and provide resources to support their understanding and discipleship.
  2. Encourage sharing: Encourage the child to share their salvation story with others, emphasizing their personal experience with Christ.

By following these eight steps, you can effectively share the life-changing Gospel message with children. Remember to rely on the Holy Spirit, provide individual attention, use the Bible as your primary tool, ask open-ended questions, simplify your language, guard your emotions, guide the child in decision-making, and follow up with resources and support. May God bless you as you faithfully share the Gospel with children and witness the transformative power of Jesus in their lives.

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