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From Charleston to Church Planting in LA

From Charleston to Church Planting in LA

From Charleston to Church Planting in LA

The decision to leave Journey Church was not an easy one for Will Browning.

After planting Journey Church in 2007, Browning envisioned ministering there for decades to come. However, God had different plans.

Called to Los Angeles

God called Browning to step into the unknown – leaving his familiar South Carolina roots to venture into the heart of Los Angeles, California. “God taught me that He is in the business of deploying disciples, and nobody is above being deployed, including the lead pastor,” Browning said.

Browning is now the Director of Send Network California with the North American Mission Board. “South Carolina Baptists believe in sending their best, and here in Los Angeles, we have sent our best,” Lee Clamp, Assistant Executive Director-Treasurer, said.

Serving Church Planters

“As we began to serve in Los Angeles, our main objective was the care of church-planting families,” Tarah said. Over the last two years, SCBaptists have sent teams to care for church planters’ wives, providing an opportunity for the wives to receive care and be poured into.

Browning has already seen God moving in California. Just last year, there were 331 baptisms within SendLA, 24 churches planted, and 12 languages spoken across church plants.

Making Kingdom Impact in LA

“You may have heard that God is not moving here in this state, but I’m here to tell you that God is doing amazing things here,” he said. Browning said he is thankful for the prayers and support of South Carolina Baptists. Because of this partnership, Browning said, “You’re not just making an impact here in LA; you’re making an impact through all of North America.”


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