Advance Stories

Blessed by SCBaptists

Blessed by SCBaptists

A lifetime Florida resident, Jose Sanchez says he was “blessed to be helped with the removal of wet tile and drywall” after the devastation caused by Hurricane Ian impacted him on a personal level. Although his house was built per flood regulations in Florida, he says “this has turned out to be about five feet higher than anyone predicted.” Sanchez says that the efforts by SCBaptists have made him feel loved and blessed. “It’s nice to be blessed by others when you’re down. It helps raise your spirits.” Sanchez expresses his thanks to SCBaptists for all their assistance in Arcadia, Florida. “I wish I could say that you’d never be needed, but I know that in future disasters you’ll be there to help as well.”

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  • Sue Harmon

    Sue Harmon

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