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Celebrating Life Transformation at Camp

Celebrating Life Transformation at Camp

Celebrating Life Transformation at Camp

Camp McCall campers cheer alongside their new friends.

Across the state this summer, lives were transformed at Camp McCall, Camp La Vida, SummerSalt, and KidSalt.

Camp McCall 

Breaking the record for the highest summer attendance since 2013, over 2,300 campers attended Camp McCall. This summer, 111 campers rededicated their lives to their faith, and 55 accepted Christ for the first time. Additionally, 23 campers accepted a call to ministry.

Camp La Vida 

At Camp La Vida, 76 campers accepted Christ for the first time, and 57 campers rededicated their commitment to their faith. Highlighting the importance of Camp La Vida’s missional education, 36 campers accepted a call to missions, and five others committed to Christian service. In addition, 41 other decisions, including baptisms, were made this summer.

KidSalt campers hang out by the reflection pond during free time.


Among the 3,284 campers at SummerSalt, 88 accepted Christ, 151 made decisions of repentance, and 43 made other decisions, including baptism. Moreover, 115 campers accepted the call to ministry. 


KidSalt saw 990 campers in attendance this summer, and 73 made decisions ranging from first-time salvations to repentance and steps of obedience through baptism. 

The impact of these camps on the lives of these campers extends far beyond the summer season. The numbers are not just statistics; they represent transformed lives, renewed commitments, and a dedication to reaching the next generation with the Good News of Christ.


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    SCBaptist Creative Team

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