Horses, Hospitality, and the Hope of Christ
Families in York, South Carolina, saddled up to ride horses, hear the Gospel, and share a meal together. Faith Rising Community Church hosted its second annual Cowboy Camp. Pastor Berry Chatas said, “Cowboy Camp is a place where you can come and learn about how God’s creation works all around us through these beautiful
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SCBaptists Partner to Reach Vermont’s College Campuses
“You’re the Christian.” Rayanna Cape hears this often during her work on campus at the University of Vermont (UVM). She serves as a collegiate missionary through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). “Yeah, I am the Christian,” Cape responds. She has interacted with countless students on campus who say she is the first Christian they
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Missions Abroad and Ministry at Home with BCMGO
This summer, Zora traveled to North Africa with BCMGO to a country that is hostile to Christianity. “Going into a country like that is very scary and daunting, but we could just trust in the Father–that he would protect us,” she said. Zora served with International Mission Board missionaries and shared that they were “doing
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12 Intercessional Prayers
This resource was created by InterVarsity. If you have friends and family whom you’d like to see become new believers, you can add power to your witness by committing yourself to praying for them as you witness.Each of the 12 prayers on the downloadable resource below ask God to move in the life of the
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