Transitional Pastors

What is a Transitional Pastor?

A Transitional Pastor helps a church to reconnect with their past, fully assess their present, and better understand their immediate future by looking deeply at their mission field.

Churches in leadership transitions need experienced, sanctified, and wise leadership. Their needs are unique, and their leadership must be specially qualified and willing to accept difficult challenges.

Church needing Transitional Pastor

Send us a quick email and
we will contact you.

Transitional Pastor Profile

Update your contact information and availability to assist with future referrals


Online Transitional Pastor Training

We are preparing to launch online cohort training to match your busy schedule. Take an online course guided by a training Transitional Pastor. Click on the button to “share your interest” in a future cohort and we will contact you when the next registration opens.

Next training will begin in August 2024

Access to Course requires a password


Too many churches are experiencing a decline in worship attendance, aging membership, no children or youth, few or zero baptisms, and other challenges.

But there is hope…

Churches across South Carolina are taking steps of faith toward their hopeful future through a conversation with the Church Strategies Group and associational partners.

Church Strategies Group of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, we exist to serve our churches as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission. Providing resources and relationships for revitalization pastors and replanters, associational partners and strong churches, potential pastors and church members, we hope to saturate every community in South Carolina with strong churches declaring the hope of the gospel to all people.

Contact Church Strategies Team

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