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Faith Baptist Church: A Testament to Revitalization

Faith Baptist Church: A Testament to Revitalization

Faith Baptist Church: A Testament to Revitalization

Located in Swansea, SC, Faith Baptist Church has been a pillar of faith for over 50 years.

However, a departure of their pastor in January 2019 led to a period of uncertainty. Determined not to falter, the congregation embarked on a revitalization journey, embracing change, and witnessing a transformation in their church.

Facing a critical juncture, the deacons of Faith Baptist Church reached out to Johnny Rumbough, Director of Missions at Lexington Baptist Association, seeking guidance. Recognizing the need for immediate action, Rumbough agreed to become their interim pastor and lead them through the revitalization process. However, before accepting the role, he presented the congregation with a list of requirements that they had to wholeheartedly embrace.

Recommendations for Revitalization

One of the conditions outlined by Rumbough was the commitment to honor and support their former pastor. Despite his resignation, Faith Baptist Church made the selfless decision to continue paying their former pastor his full compensation and benefits as long as Johnny served as their interim pastor, or until a different arrangement was decided upon.

Faith Baptist Church embarked on a journey of revitalization, guided by the Holy Spirit. The congregation’s unanimous acceptance of all fifteen items on the revitalization list showcased their genuine willingness to embrace change and pursue a new vision for their church. This united commitment became the driving force behind the church’s rejuvenation.

A Church Thriving

The fruits of Faith Baptist Church’s revitalization efforts soon became evident. In June 2019, the congregation voted unanimously to approve the revitalization recommendations, solidifying their shared vision for the future.

By October 2019, they had found their new pastor, Lee Butler, whose leadership and spiritual guidance led the church for the next several years. Of the church, Butler said, “this is a family that has loved well as we served together with grace for God’s glory! God has a great future ahead for Faith.”

Faith Baptist Today

God continues to move through Faith Church. Butler was called to serve as Associational Missions Strategist at Lexington Baptist Association and Pastor Ken Harmon currently serves as Faith Church’s interim pastor. Rumbough spoke to the church’s role in preparing Butler for his new assignment. “”The unsung hero in our celebrations is God’s wonderful people called Faith Baptist Church,” he said.

Faith Baptist Church’s journey of revitalization serves as an inspiring example of a congregation’s resilience and faith. Their willingness to embrace change laid the foundation for a successful revitalization process. Faith Baptist Church continues to thrive, exemplifying the transformative work of God and bringing glory to His name.


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