Advance Stories

Sharing Jesus In Their Heart-Language

Sharing Jesus In Their Heart-Language

Finding the Mission Field at Home

Jason Williamson and his team had been taking annual mission trips to East Asia for several years. But when COVID-19 hit, they were forced to put their plans on hold. Devastated by the loss, they mourned the missed opportunity to spread the gospel. However, as the pandemic persisted, they began to wonder if God had something else in mind.

They prayed and asked God how they could still reach people without having to travel to East Asia. Then, they realized that there were Chinese people in their own backyard who needed to hear the gospel in their heart-language. They began to explore the Chinese population in Horry County, and they discovered that there were many people who desperately wanted a church where they could worship in their own language.

John Zhang, who had felt called to full-time ministry, was connected with the Church at the Mill through a friend. The church had already been hosting a Chinese Bible study, but there was a need for a Chinese church where people could hear preaching in their own language. The team saw this as an opportunity to impact the Chinese culture in their own backyard.

Finding a Need for Chinese-Language Ministry in Horry County

Tao Sun, who was studying in seminary, was approached by a Chinese pastor who worked at the North American Mission Board. He was offered an opportunity to plant a church in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and after prayer, he felt called to go. He saw the need for a church where Chinese people could hear the gospel and worship in their own language.

When Tao arrived, Living Water Baptist Church welcomed him and helped him establish a Chinese church. They provided a spiritual home for Chinese Christians, where they could worship God using their own language and culture.

Robbie McAlister reminds SCBaptists of the tremendous opportunity to fulfill the great commission in their own backyard. He saw the need to reach out to the foreign-born population in South Carolina, including the Chinese, Muslims, Hindus, and people from all over the world. Through the Finish Initiative, they helped SCBaptist churches become aware of this opportunity to spread the gospel and transform lives.


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