Advance Stories

A Special Blessing

A Special Blessing

Andrew and Jessica Johnson noticed something different about their son, Archer, early on.

He didn’t smile or connect emotionally with them like most children do. As he grew older, they realized that he craved structure and routine, and that it was hard for him when everything was closed.

For Archer, home was his safe place, but his parents knew that he needed to be pushed to be more sociable and be around other kids. It wasn’t an easy journey, but with the love and support of his family, Archer began to grow and develop.

Now, Andrew proudly tells anyone who will listen that Archer is attending a typical class, and that he never stops talking. From a child who didn’t speak at all, to a chatterbox who has so much to say, Archer has come so far.

Andrew and Jessica attribute much of Archer’s progress to their church family. When they see people looking at Archer as a blessing from God, rather than someone who is “wrong” or “different,” it makes them feel at home. They know that there is a reason why God put Archer with them, and they have learned so much from him.

In fact, Andrew is quick to point out that he has learned more from Archer than Archer has learned from him. It’s a beautiful testament to the power of love and acceptance, and the way that one little boy can change the world simply by being himself.


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