
Advocacy for Medically Fragile Children in Foster Care

Advocacy for Medically Fragile Children in Foster Care

As Christians, we are called to love and care for the vulnerable in our society. One group of vulnerable children that needs our help and advocacy are medically fragile children in foster care.

These children face unique challenges that require specialized care and support. Josh Bradley, Church Planting Catalyst at SCBaptist and foster parent said, “There’s nothing more valuable in your healthcare than an advocate beside your bed.” Medically fragile children need someone to speak up for them and ensure that they receive the medical care and attention they need.

Furthermore, without an advocate, they may not receive the necessary care and support to thrive. “And imagine all the children who are walking through medical situations that they might face without someone there to advocate for them,” Bradley said.

Additional Challenges

Also, families who take on the responsibility of caring for medically fragile foster children face additional challenges. They need respite and support to ensure they are able to provide the best care possible for these children. As Bradley notes, “There’s a need for families who can come in and just take a child for a weekend.”

God has uniquely positioned each of us to serve and care for others. As Christians, we have a responsibility to leverage our resources and time for the benefit of others, including medically fragile foster children. Bradley believes that “everyone at some point in their life can leverage their resources, their time for foster children.”

A Call for Believers

For this reason, let us heed the call to care for the vulnerable and advocate for the needs of medically fragile children in foster care. By doing so, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of these precious children and show them the love and compassion of Christ.

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