
Regathering to Serve

WHAT DO WE DO WITH BENEVOLENCE REQUESTS WHEN SO MANY IN OUR COMMUNITY HAVE LOST JOBS AND ARE IN NEED? In normal seasons, most individuals asking for assistance from your church are not in a crisis. They are in a chronic state of poverty which ought to lead you to offer support and services rather…

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Meet My Neighbors

I thought I knew my neighbors well before the pandemic. It turns out, we all had more to give than any of us knew. My neighbor Anne is a fantastic baker. She made me a birthday cake for my quarantine birthday.   Mary Ann is an amazing artist. She made a beautiful sign for our neighborhood

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Established Churches

Churches Seeking Partnerships with Church Planters Who in your church may have the potential to help a new church plant? Could you provide a new church with space to meet? Here is a list of funded church planters for you and your church to regularly pray for. How could you form a new relationship with

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