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Inspiring Congregation Towards Missions

Inspiring Congregation Towards Missions

Inspiring Congregation Towards Missions

River Springs Church has shown a strong commitment to missions, beginning with the sending of their lead pastor to the mission field.

Located in Irmo, SC, River Springs Church sent out their pastor, *Harley Walker, and his family as mission personnel to Athens, Greece in 2021. The decision came after Walker attended a mission trip to the area with the SCBaptist Send Team to serve in a refugee camp.

A group from River Springs serves on a mission trip in New York.

Since the move, the church has gone above and beyond to maintain a strong connection with the Walker family in Athens. They have provided support through video messages, care packages, and short-term teams visiting Athens to encourage and work alongside the Walker family in their ministry. The Walker family has also been diligent in sending prayer requests and updates, continuing the connection between missionaries and the congregation back home.

River Springs partners with Lutheran Service Carolinas to support the needs of refugees in their area.

Impact on the Church Community

As the new pastor, Nathan Stam played a pivotal role in leading the congregation to support their missionaries actively. He led the church to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the first time, starting a monthly prayer feed for mission partnerships, organized Nights of Prayer, and worship events that have all contributed to a heightened awareness and fervent prayer for missions. The church has also engaged with local refugees through Lutheran Services Carolinas and conducted evangelism and discipleship training, further impacting their community.

Sending the Walker family out from the church has sparked a passion for cross-cultural missions among the congregation, leading others to explore their call to global ministry. “It’s been encouraging to see our folks who have participated in cross-cultural mission experiences come back to Irmo and have a heart for cross-cultural ministry here in the Midlands,” Stam said.

*Names changed for security purposes.


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