Advance Stories

A Blessed Adoption Journey

A Blessed Adoption Journey

A Blessed Adoption Journey

The *L Family’s journey toward adoption was not an easy one.

They initially became foster parents to provide temporary homes for children in need. “Our desire was to be a safe harbor, sharing the hope and love of Jesus temporarily,” they said. However, when two boys came into their lives and needed a permanent home, the L family felt called to say yes to loving, protecting, and caring for them forever. “It is an honor that God would choose us to be their parents,” they said.

The L Family is one of four families in the process of adopting that will be recipients of the Adoption Grant. This grant provides $3,000 to local churches on behalf of adopting families to help reduce barriers for families to care for vulnerable children. “The SCBaptist Convention has consistently said that we believe each life counts,” Jon Jamison, Serve Team Leader, said. “It’s meaningful to me that our convention tangibly demonstrates that we really do believe that every life counts through offering these grants,” he said.

Clinging to Hope

For the L Family, adoption is more than just about providing homes for children. “In the most small and humbling way, adoption allows us to pursue children we do not know and who can not provide us anything in return and sacrifice for their best interests, not just to give them safety, but to make them sons and daughters,” they said. They emphasized the importance of sharing the Gospel and pointing their children to the God who loves them and calls them to an eternal family.

Although the journey has challenged them, they find hope in laying down their lives daily to follow the Lord’s plan. “His love heals in a way that nothing else can, by giving us a family forever in Heaven with Him,” they said.

*Names changed for security purposes.


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