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SC Pastors Explore Partnerships in Pittsburgh

SC Pastors Explore Partnerships in Pittsburgh

SC Pastors Explore Partnerships in Pittsburgh

A team of SCBaptist leaders recently embarked on a vision trip to Pittsburgh to see Kingdom work and establish partnerships.

A group of nine leaders from five different churches in the Saluda Baptist Association recently took a vision trip to Pittsburgh. The Saluda Baptist Association is comprised of churches in greater Anderson County. John Watkins, Mission Strategist, and Pam Creamer, Missions Coordinator, from Saluda Baptist Association were instrumental in planning and organizing the trip based on prior mission work with churches in the area.

Kyle Caudell, pastor of North Anderson Baptist Church, was one of the trip members. According to Caudell, “the purpose of the trip was to get a glimpse of the Kingdom work being done in Pittsburgh and to establish long term partnerships with a church in the city.”

During the trip, pastors met with various church planters to learn about the opportunities and challenges they faced.

One result of the trip was a connection between North Anderson and Brent Phillips of Reclamation Church, which is scheduled to plant in 2024. The two churches are currently discussing what a three or five year partnership might look like and making plans accordingly. Of the five churches represented that went, all five are pursuing and establishing partnerships with churches and church plants in the Pittsburgh area.

Praying and Partnering

The pastors also learned the prayer needs of planters in the area, including the need for more access to schools. Caudell asks SCBaptists to pray for church plants to connect with their communities and to find partner churches.

Caudell says that SCBaptists could serve planters by sending teams to come alongside planters and existing churches in compassion ministries. There is also a need for churches to collect simple items like socks and backpacks for churches to distribute. Churches could also include a church plant in the budget or support the work being done through prayer.

Overall, the trip was a valuable experience for the pastors involved and a step towards establishing meaningful partnerships in Pittsburgh.

For more information on the Pennsylvania/South Jersey partnership, you can contact Pam Creamer, Missions Coordinator at the Saluda Baptist Association office at 864-225-7759 or go to the SBA website at


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