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Project 3000: Reaching Every Nation

Project 3000: Reaching Every Nation

Project 3000: Reaching Every Nation

The International Mission Board (IMB) has arrived at the 2023 Annual Meeting with a powerful message: lostness is increasing daily, and the solution lies in the Gospel.

To address this pressing need, IMB is calling on Southern Baptists to renew their commitment to reach every nation. In response, they have launched Project 3000, an ambitious initiative aimed at engaging 3,072 unengaged, unreached people groups through the deployment of 300 missionary explorers over the next five years.

SCBaptist Sending Missionaries

Two SCBaptist missionaries have already been sent out with Project 3000. *June Estes and *Samuel Stevens will both be sent to regions in South Asia with unreached people groups. Each missionary will be assigned the task of scouting out ten unengaged, unreached people groups. Their mission will involve immersing themselves in the culture, understanding the people’s needs, sharing the gospel, developing ministry strategies, and seeking to establish partnerships with local believers. These missionary explorers will be at the forefront of cultivating Gospel access among the least reached.

Moving from Unengaged to Reached

Once a people group has been discovered and explored, IMB teams, in collaboration with their national partners, will continue the missionary work to transition these groups from being unengaged to gospel engagement. The ultimate goal is to see these unreached people groups become reached, with new believers, mature disciples, and thriving church plants among them.

Ways to Support Project 3000:

SCBaptists are invited to actively participate in the Great Pursuit through various means.

  1. Become a Virtual Explorer: Individuals can commit to the Great Pursuit by becoming Virtual Explorers. By signing up at or visiting the IMB exhibit during the annual meeting, participants will receive regular updates on Project 3000. They will be informed about the progress of missionary explorers, receive urgent prayer requests, find opportunities to support the work financially, and stay updated on Gospel impact among the least reached.
  2. Spread the Word: SCBaptists can help spread awareness about Project 3000 within their church and networks. By sharing the initiative with pastors, they can encourage personal involvement. Pastors, in turn, can share updates with their congregations, inviting church members to join as Virtual Explorers and provide support to the cause.
  3. Recruit Missionary Explorers: The recruitment of missionary explorers is a critical aspect of Project 3000’s success. Pastors are encouraged to identify individuals with a passion for sharing the Gospel, particularly in challenging contexts, and who possess the ability to collaborate with diverse partners across cultures. Applicants need not have prior experience or specific educational qualifications. Those interested can learn more and apply at

Project 3000 is an exciting opportunity for Southern Baptists to unite in the Great Pursuit of reaching every nation with the gospel. Through the deployment of missionary explorers, IMB aims to engage thousands of unengaged, unreached people groups, taking significant steps toward fulfilling the Great Commission. By becoming Virtual Explorers, spreading the word, and actively participating in recruitment efforts, SCBaptists can make a tangible impact in advancing the Gospel among the least reached. Together, let us commit to this urgent mission, determined to reach every nation, no matter the cost.

*Names have been changed for security purposes.


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