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Embracing the Power of Prayer: Celebrating National Day of Prayer

Embracing the Power of Prayer: Celebrating National Day of Prayer

Embracing the Power of Prayer: Celebrating National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is on Thursday, May 4th.

As South Carolina Baptists, we celebrate the National Day of Prayer—an occasion that unites believers across the nation in seeking God’s guidance, healing, and blessing. It reminds us of our calling to be a people of prayer, uniting in intercession for our families, churches, communities, and the state of South Carolina.

Uniting in Prayer:

South Carolina Baptists join millions in lifting our voices in unified prayer, setting aside differences to seek the Lord’s intervention for our nation, state, and challenges we face.

Praying for South Carolina:

On this day, we intercede for the spiritual, social, and cultural well-being of our communities, lifting up leaders, schools, churches, and neighbors, seeking God’s grace, healing, and transformation.

Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer:

Beyond the National Day of Prayer, let us cultivate a daily prayer life, seeking God’s guidance in every aspect of our lives, allowing Him to work mightily in our families, churches, and communities.

The National Day of Prayer reminds us of the importance of prayer in our lives and as SCBaptists. As we join together in intercession, let us reaffirm our commitment to seeking God’s will, fostering a lifestyle of prayer, and anticipating transformation, renewal, and healing for South Carolina.


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