
Praying for our Schools

Praying for our Schools

Praying for our Schools

  • Ask God to reveal how your church family might strategically pray for (and serve) local schools.
  • Pray for eyes to “see” individuals and circumstances as God does and to respond in compassion.
  • Pray specifically for school administrators. Contact them at least once a month to ask how you can help -and ask how you can pray.
  • Ask for permission to have a Prayer Walk around the school campus.
  • Chalk the Walk – IF you have permission, families can leave notes of encouragement as they walk around the school.
  • Identify the teachers and school staff in your church. Recognize them and have a time of prayer over them. Send them notes of encouragement. Enlist individuals or classes to pray for them throughout the year.
  • Working with your principal during the summer, invite all teachers in your school partnership to a church service as the school year begins. Ask the principal to share the importance of your partnership and ways you can pray. Pray for staff during the service and invite them to a special luncheon in their honor.
  • Enlist a group of prayer warriors to pray for your students, teachers, and families throughout the year.
  • Create a daily prayer guide for your church that could be used throughout the year.
  • Lead students in praying for their teachers, administrators, and friends.
  • If you have Reading Buddies, enlist a Prayer Buddy to weekly pray for each volunteer and their student Reading Buddy and his/her family.
  • As you develop relationships with teachers and they share their struggles, ask if you can pray for them.
  • Set aside a time each day for church members to stop and pray for your school. Example: 5:15am/pm (1 John 5:15) or 5:16am/pm (1 Thessalonians 5:16)
  • Have teachers complete a “Get to Know You” page and ask for prayer requests.
  • Have a group gather once a week to pray at the school flagpole.
  • If you have this freedom with your administrator, arrange to have a prayer box in the teachers’ lounge. Collect each week and after praying, write a note of encouragement for the teacher.
  • Be available to go to hospitals to visit with sick students/teachers and their families. Accompany administration on crisis calls and provide support during times of grief.
  • Support and encourage staff as they are going through personal crises.

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