Employment Opportunity

Collegiate Ministry Strategist

Collegiate Ministry Strategist

Collegiate Ministry Strategist

We are seeking a focused, passionate leader who is called to collegiate ministry. This Columbia based person will join a statewide collegiate ministry team and lead SC Baptist efforts to call out and prepare the next generation of ministers, plan and execute high impact equipping events for college students, and lead mobilization efforts to send SC collegians to the nations on mission.

Qualifications include: Has a college degree and a Southern Baptist seminary degree or is currently working to complete a seminary degree and 3+ years of local campus ministry experience in a Baptist context. This individual must possess strong administrative and planning skills. Experience with campus minister development, missions mobilization of students and/or strategic event planning are highly preferred.

We offer excellent benefits including paid time off, retirement, health insurance and life insurance for this full-time position.

If you are interested, please contact hr_user@scbaptist.org.

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