ONWARD 2023 blue tp


Our Breakouts will fall under these categories:
Worship & Leadership, Groups & Instruments, and Production & Technology


Travis Agnew-2021 sq

Five Worship Team Killers by Travis Agnew
Rocky Creek Church, Greenville SC

Your Worship Team is under spiritual attack. If your team doesn’t notice it, that may be because the battle is already over. While contexts differ, these five Worship Team Killers show up in almost every situation and every heart:  Pride, Inconsistency, Inability, Detachment, and Division. Since you are a target, would you take some time to research the dangerous areas? Study through the common assaults and observe the wreckage on the roadside. And then allow the Word and the Spirit to work in your life to ensure you won’t be another casualty.

Planning with a Purpose by Travis Agnew
Rocky Creek Church, Greenville SC

From week-to-week preparation working with a specific passage of Scripture all the way to long-range planning of songs and personnel, join Travis for an in-depth look at some of the systems and processes he has used throughout the years as a worship leader and teaching pastor.

ONWARD 2023 faculty

The Significance of Worship as Warfare  by Meredith Andrews
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

  1. Worship is warfare. It wields the weapon of loud praise and unshaken faith regardless of situations and outcomes.  It is declaring what is true over the Enemy’s lies, proclaiming God’s truth over all things, including principalities and powers, and prayerfully calling God to action. The point is, God shows up when we worship. In discouragement, depression, disillusionment, despair, or even death, there He is, waiting to be found, ready to show up in the middle of it all.

Power in the Process by Meredith Andrews
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

In the midst of the most difficult seasons of life, our prayer is often that God would deliver us from our hardships. But, what if in God’s sovereign plan, His desire was to use those seasons to create in and through us things that we never could have imagined? Join Meredith for a conversation on how we can be more open to what God is doing in our lives regardless of our circumstances.

ONWARD 2023 Faculty

Finding Your Lane by Todd Fields
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

God has created each of us with gifting and leanings that are a light yolk for us to live with and carry. Unfortunately, sometimes accepting our “lane” can be hard…especially when we wish we had been given another’s assignment.

ONWARD 2023 Jacob Sooter

Songwriting and Identity by Jacob Sooter
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

How do we creative beautiful songs rooted in our identity in Christ? Is it built upon inspiration or persistence? Are some people just born more creative than others? Through story and practical teaching, Jacob will share his journey as a songwriter and distill lessons learned into principles to help all of us cultivate a more creative life.

Megan Hollifield 2022

Musical Diversity for Multi-Gen Engagement by Megan Hollifield
Director of Worship Studies
North Greenville University, Tigerville SC

This breakout session for multigenerational worship expands the understanding of the role of musical diversity as the driving force toward unity between generations. We know that music holds an essential position in Christian worship, and this placement will be further explored in the framework of musical diversity with a focus on multigenerational worship.

uWorship Andrew Lucius CSU 2023

Shaping the Church Through Singing by Andrew Lucius
Assistant Professor of Music and Worship Leadership
Charleston Southern University, Charleston SC

The singing of the church has both vertical and horizontal dimensions. This breakout focuses on the latter by looking at the ways corporate singing influences what the church believes. By elevating the role of singing together, song leaders can find renewed joy in the work of weekly leading the church to sing.

ONWARD 2022 Kevin Uhrich

The Congregation: Teaching Them to Sing by Kevin Uhrich
Concord Baptist Church, Anderson SC

Corporate worship is meant for all to participate. Unfortunately, in many churches today, singing has become a spectator sport. This breakout will biblically explore why we sing and ways to engage your congregation in corporate singing, no matter your style of worship.

ONWARD 2023 Lucas Shrout

The Quiet Space in Worship and Life by Lucas Shrout
Boiling Springs First Baptist, Boiling Springs SC

You’ve planned all the songs and selected all the readings. You’ve asked people to pray and loaded all the correct slides. Now, how do you move from one element to the next inside of your beautifully crafted worship service? Lucas will offer guidance on spiritual formation in the Worship Service and everyday life.  Creating beautiful moments in life to transfer to your delivery both in rehearsal and performance.

ONWARD Kenny Lamm

Engaging Your Congregation in Transformational Worship by Kenny Lamm
Worship Ministries Strategist, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina

Our times of gathered worship are perhaps the greatest opportunities for discipleship in the church. What can we do to plan and prepare our worship services to experience the most significant life transformation?

ONWARD 2023 Sam Lawson

Scrappy Worship Ministry by Sam Lawson
Summerville Baptist, Summerville SC

From setting up equipment for a mobile church to creating new systems and teams for your ministry, worship leaders must be scrappy. You never know what you might get asked to do. Join this conversation for some pro tips so that you can be prepared for whatever comes your way!

ONWARD 2023 Mike Seay

Reimagining Worship Ministry by Mike Seay
The Stirring, Charleston SC

In this breakout, we will explore the current state of your worship ministry or team and uncover the steps you can take to cultivate a healthy, thriving, and dynamic worshipping community. We will discuss what lays the foundation for a worshipping culture that we all long for, not just going through the motions of performing songs and completing checklists. Whether you are a worship pastor, director, leader, serve on a team, or simply sense that there's more to experience in worship within our churches, this session will challenge your perspective and provide actionable insights to help transform your ministry, your church, and your community.

ONWARD 2023 Jeremy Dixon

From Pew to Stage: Developing Leaders by Jeremy Dixon
Associate Worship Leader, The Church at LifePark, Mount Pleasant SC

In Worship Ministry, it's easy for us as leaders to sometimes lose sight of our biblical instruction to use our gifts "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service." (Ephesians 4:12) For us as leaders, this is three-fold: Training up ourselves, training up our worship team members, and effectively ministering to our congregations! How do we train ourselves and our Worship Team Volunteers for effective biblical ministry! Come and hear biblical and practical ways that will equip you and your Worship Ministry Team in the service of others!

ONWARD 2022 Mike Turner

Leadership in the Trenches by Mike Turner
Senior Pastor, Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington SC

Join Mike Turner, Senior Pastor of Lexington Baptist Church, for an in-depth look at how leadership impacts every part of an organization. Just like Jesus teaches, leadership always begins with service. Come and learn from Mike’s years of ministry experience.

ONWARD 2023 Dan Williams

Ministry Legacy by Dan Williams
Associate Pastor for Senior Adults & Congregational Care, Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington SC

In today’s culture, it is unfortunately rare to see effective ministers make it all the way to retirement. From shifting ministry paradigms to the constant mirage of pastoral needs, ministry is a grind. Come join Dan Williams as he talks about his ministry journey and the keys to endurance in ministry, regardless of what God call us to do.



ONWARD 2023 Travis Brian

Worship Choir by Travis Brian
Worship & Music Office, SCBaptist Convention, Columbia SC

Choirs were made for more than special music! Learn effective ways to transform your sanctuary choir into a worship leading force in your church.

ONWARD 2022 Dacey Bell

The Orchestra as a Tool for Worship: Exploring the Possibilities of Traditional and Modern Styles by Dacey Bell
Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington SC

This session will show you how to use wind, string, and percussion musicians within a variety of worship styles, and how to implement technology to merge the orchestra and rhythm section to create a truly immersive experience. We’ll also discuss how to effectively communicate with your musicians onstage and offstage using a variety of tools like Planning Center Online and Ableton Live, and how to create custom arrangements to enhance your worship services.

ONWARD 2023 Katy Schrodt

Not Your Momma’s Children’s Choir! by Katy Schrodt
Northside Baptist Church, Lexington SC

We will explore and discuss the philosophy behind why we want children to learn to worship and engage in music and song.  We will discuss how we can energize and breathe life into your children’s choirs to excite and engage children.  Using music, drama, choreography, games, and small group discussion, our children can begin to explore what worship means and how they can know and love God more!

ONWARD 2023 David Schrodt

Worship Band by David Schrodt
Northside Baptist Church, Lexington SC

Worship through singing is an integral part of services every week, and excellence is a must! God is glorified when the musicians play & sing skillfully unto Him! What are some healthy expectations for those that would help lead the songs on Sunday? How can I disciple my team full of singers, instrumentalists, and creatives? This breakout will share a few insights and invite group discussion for what it means to build healthy, skillful worship teams.

ONWARD 2023 Mickey Henderson

Vocals by Mickey Henderson
Shandon Baptist Church, Columbia SC

This session will cover the most frequently asked vocal questions from Worship Leaders. Get ready to interactively tackle specific techniques and gain some tips and tools on what it takes to maintain vocal health and longevity as a worship leader.

ONWARD 2023 Lucas Shrout

Keys by Lucas Shrout
Boiling Springs First Baptist, Boiling Springs SC
This breakout will cover tips and tricks for playing keys in a contemporary worship band setting. Tips on what to play to not get in the way of other instruments, to layering and manipulating sounds through a worship set.

Drums by Trent Austin
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

In this breakout we will consider how to develop a robust rhythmic vocabulary through the utilization of the 16th-note grid. By doing so you will enhance your time-feel, orchestration, and ability to create new groove and fill ideas. We will also cover how to play in a way that fits in with different types of instrument groupings. Learn from Trent’s experience of leading with groups like MercyMe and Passion.

ONWARD 2023 Alex Nifong

Guitars by Alex Nifong
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

Learn basic principles of rhythm and lead electric guitar, tone tips, and how to listen for more than notes. Whether you are new to electric guitar in a worship setting or a seasoned player, you will leave with practical and applicable tools to help you serve your team and your church and make the most of the gear you have.

ONWARD 2023 Heath Balltzglier

Bass Guitar by Heath Balltzglier
Worship Circle, Alpharetta, GA

If we believe that music requires a solid foundation, then leading with the bass becomes an integral part of any worship band experience. Join Heath and learn from his years of experience of working with groups from all over the world.

ONWARD 2023 Robert Hampshire

Next Gen: It’s Not Your Platform by Robert Hampshire
Cheraw First Baptist Church, Cheraw SC

Raising up the next generation of worship leaders and team members. This important task is part of everyone’s job description as a worship leader.  What are some effective ways to encourage young people to learn about worship, have experiences leading, and even consider a call to worship ministry?


ONWARD Alex Lyons

Everything Is A Remix: The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Ministry
by Alex Lyons
Creative Director, SCBaptist Convention, Columbia SC

The Bible says, “there is nothing new under the sun," yet AI seems to be an exponentially pivotal moment in emerging technology. In a world that can’t be trusted, and a cooperative effort whose currency is trust, the future church must get this one right.

ONWARD 2023 Carl Barnhill twelvethirty media 2023

Enhancing Your Church Visuals by Carl Barnhill
Twelve:Thirty Media, Lexington SC

In this workshop, Carl Barnhill from Church Visuals will share five ways that you can enhance the visual media that you present in your worship experience. Learn creative ways to use countdown videos, service openers and mini-movies, how to enhance your worship slides, and more. Come learn practical tips for your visuals you can take and use this Sunday.

ONWARD 2023 Steve Dirks twelvethirty media 2023

Introduction to ProPresenter: Exploring 10 Favorite Features by Steve Dirks
Twelve:Thirty Media, Lexington SC

Learn simple features such as Live Layers, Slide Transitions, Media Library, Stage Display, and more. The goal of this session is to provide some new tools or ideas for you to use at your church to enhance worship and help your workflow.

Unleashing Collaboration: Bridging the Gap between Pastors and Production Teams
by Steve Dirks
Twelve:Thirty Media, Lexington SC

This session addresses the importance of collaboration between pastors and production teams in a church setting. The class explores the unique challenges faced by production teams and provides insights on how pastors can better understand their needs. It emphasizes empathy and understanding from both parties and offers practical strategies and communication guidelines for having a great creative process between both your pastors and your teams. The goal is to actively foster collaboration and understanding.

ONWARD 2023 Ronnie Richardson sq

The Tech Minded Pastor by Ronnie Richardson
Creative Engineer, SCBaptist Convention, Columbia SC

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder.” When it comes to pastoring, we need to work hard but in a smart way. This breakout session will focus on how pastors can use technology to maximize their time and effectiveness.

Izzy's Headshot

The 3 Ds of Effective Storytelling by Isabella McElveen
Creative Producer, SCBaptist Convention, Columbia SC

In this breakout session, we’ll discuss why it’s important to share stories of how God is advancing the Great Commission and transforming lives through the ministries of our church. I’ll share some practical ways to effectively DISCOVER, DEVELOP, and DISTRIBUTE captivating stories.

ONWARD 2023 William Taylor

Crafting Connections: The Strategic Art of Church Marketing and Communications by William Taylor
Harbor City Church, Charleston SC

This breakout will focus on effective church communication strategies. We’ll discuss the essential tools and techniques to reach hearts and minds, fostering meaningful connections within your congregation and neighborhood. Discover the power of purposeful messaging, email engagement, and assimilation. Whether you're a church leader, communicator, or simply passionate about effective communication, this session will equip you with invaluable insights to strengthen your church's impact.

ONWARD 2023 Jonah Sims

Gen Z and Social Media by Jonah Sims
New Prospect Baptist, Anderson SC

What happens when you mix an incredibly spiritually disoriented and dazed generation with apps and programs that no one with wisdom wants to, can, or is willing to learn? In this breakout we will answer this question and take a crash course through major social media, the heart of Gen Z, and the Great Identity Crisis. Come check it out.

ONWARD 2023 Wes Howard

Gear on a Budget by Wes Howard
Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington SC

What to up your photo or creative video game? Not sure what gear to buy?  On a tight budget?  This course will help you determine what your needs are based on your goals and give you a clear idea of what gear is the right choice for your church.

ONWARD 2023 Jake Powers

Sound by Jake Powers
Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington SC

This will be a practical lab and discussion about the evolving audio needs for everything from worship band to choir to orchestra. By utilizing basic techniques on a Behringer X32, we will be able to discuss different techniques for creating the best sound possible while utilizing music created by actual church musicians.

ONWARD 2022 Joe Wehunt

Recording by Joe Wehunt
Anderson University, Anderson SC

In today’s world, it seems like we are seeing more songs being recorded and published than ever before for the church! Maybe you want to join the wave with songs that you or your worship team have written, but when you look to get started, the whole idea just seems confusing. Join this breakout to learn the process of writing, producing, recording, copyrighting, and promoting original work from your church.

ONWARD 2023 Andrew George

Using Tracks in Your Church by Andrew George

  1. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Getting started with tracks isn’t the daunting task it sometimes seems to be and is now easier than ever with solutions that incorporate into your existing setup.

Join Andrew George of MultiTracks.com as he walks step by step through how to introduce tracks to your services with ease. These simple steps are designed to increase the quality of your worship times, while creating a frictionless experience for your team. All class attendees will leave with a complete set of resources including tracks, lyric slides, chord charts, pads, and more, to get started using tracks in their own services!

The Process of Production, Worship and Tech by Lexington Baptist Staff

On the forefront of production and worship innovation, join the LBC Staff for an indepth look at how they plan and execute powerful worship experiences each week.

More information to come...


Below are some of the vendors that will be at ONWARD 2023

ONWARD 2023 worship-circle-logo-full-color-rgb_vertical-tag

Worship Circle is a growing community of worship leaders who are discovering the power of leading from a place of being fully alive in our identity, truly known by others, and sharpened in the skills necessary to lead well. It is our joy and honor to walk with you and help further you in your leadership through small groups, teaching sessions, a yearly retreat, and more.

You have a story…you have a gift. You are loved and not alone.

Visit www.worshipcircle.com

ONWARD 2023 Inline-Alclair-SOLO-Black

AlClair provides custom in ear monitors & universal in-ear monitors for musicians on stage, recording studios, audiophiles & hi-fi music lovers & listeners.
Visit alclair.com

ONWARD 2023 MultiTracks 1

MULTITRACKS is an artist fed loop database that provides you high quality professionally recorded loops by the artist of the song. Multi tracks can be run off a computer or an iPad using their free app.
Visit MultiTracks.com

ONWARD twelve thirty media

Our team specializes in Graphic Design, Motion Graphics and Video Post-Production. Our desire is to help bring your vision to life and engage people visually in your Worship Experiences.

Visit TwelveThirtyMedia

For more information about ONWARD