Advance Stories

Transforming Lives Through Gospel Sharing

Transforming Lives Through Gospel Sharing

Transforming Lives Through Gospel Sharing

Before SummerSalt camp began, Carson Dyar prayed that at least one student would come to know Jesus.

SummerSalt is a high-energy summer youth camp that aims to captivate the next generation with the Gospel. This year, over 3,000 middle and high school students attended the camp, held at Charleston Southern University.

Outside of Bible Studies and evening worship, campers at SummerSalt get to attend Personal Interest Classes (PICs). PICs cater to campers’ interests, providing equipping in various aspects of faith, personal growth, and practical life skills.

Sharing the Gospel

College staffer Carson Dyar taught his PIC centered around 3 Circles, a method to share the Gospel, in which he taught how to share the method and then had campers share it with one friend and one stranger in the class. 

As Dyar wrapped up his PIC class one afternoon, two campers lingered behind. The two girls shared that during the class, one of them led the other to accept Christ while sharing the 3 Circles with her. Dyar was amazed by the immediate work of learning the method, sharing it, and seeing it take hold. 

An Answer to Prayer

Leading up to the summer, Dyar prayed that campers would come to know Christ at SummerSalt. He knew that the summer ahead would be challenging and exhausting, but stayed focused on the goal of seeing lives changed. “If one person could come to Jesus, it’d be completely worth it,” Dyar said. “And it happened in my PIC of all places.”

Dyar’s camper was one of 88 salvation decisions made during the five weeks of SummerSalt. There were a total of 397 life-changing decisions made over the summer, including decisions toward salvation, repentance, and calls to ministry.


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