Meeting Specific Needs in Local Schools
Last fall, Origins Church provided breakfast for Legacy Early College and had a meeting with their principal.
As a result, they learned that their recently opened K-4 school did not have a church partner. They met with the principal of 4K Center who shared some needs with them. Initially, they provided monthly breakfast for teachers, and then asked what they could do specifically for students. They were told of a need for khaki pants for school uniforms, and the church collected pants to meet this need.

They were also asked to help encourage teachers with gifts on birthdays and have been happy to work with the principal in blessing teachers. God has also opened doors for them to have a prayer chain for teachers with the church praying for specific shared needs.

Supporting Families
Their ministry to schools includes supporting another non-profit, PMAC, who provides homework help for students and also works with the entire family. Origins provides food for the monthly family gatherings and recently cleaned and power washed the vans used to transport students to the after-school homework help.
As a result of attending the Heart4Schools March Celebration, Zach decided to ask if students might need weekend food bags. The principal was very appreciative, and the church is about to get a list out to families in their church who will take ownership of providing one bag per week for a student.

Zach is thankful that they have been able to meet immediate needs of students and teachers, and he realizes this will lead to more opportunities for them to meet relational needs and share the gospel. The immediate needs are as important as sharing the gospel. “You can’t have one without the other.”