Advance Stories

Freedom from Chaos

Freedom from Chaos

James Scherberg had a tumultuous upbringing.

He experienced a lot of dysfunction in his life, from moving around frequently to being sexually abused and dealing with alcoholism. There was constant drama and fighting with his family, and he felt no mercy or sympathy for anyone. His heart was hardened to the world, and he hated it.

As he grew older, James started getting into trouble, constantly fighting with his mother, getting kicked out of the house, and spending time in and out of jail. This continued until he hit rock bottom when he was sitting in jail on charges of attempted murder. He had lost all value in his life and had no hope for the future.

However, James was eventually released from jail, and his mother came to pick him up. With no job and a criminal record, he struggled to find work. That was until he met a man named Craig Hewitt, who hired him to maintain his property despite knowing about his past. Craig also introduced James to Jesus Christ, showing him what it meant to follow Him and have faith.

Over time, James diligently pursued the Lord, and he found freedom and a sense of purpose in his life. He always had an awareness of God’s presence and lived off of His word. James was truly born again, and his life had been transformed by the grace of God.


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