Advance Stories

Abilities Shown Through a Disability

Abilities Shown Through a Disability

Anthony Radcliffe was born with a disability that affected his legs, which led doctors to predict that he would be permanently bound to a wheelchair by the sixth grade and probably would not live past high school. However, Anthony had a different outlook on life.

He believed that if it was God’s plan for him, then he would accept it, but if not, he would see what happens.

As a young child, Anthony struggled in school and fell behind his peers. But he had a strong faith in God, and he prayed that his life would glorify Him. His prayers were answered when he had a life-changing experience at a church service where he surrendered his life to Christ.

With his newfound faith, Anthony began serving in the ministry and volunteering at a small church. It was there that he met a little girl named Courtney who also had a disability, cerebral palsy. At first, Courtney’s sister told Anthony that she wouldn’t talk to him, but within a month, she wouldn’t stop talking to him. Courtney started coming over to his house for Bible study, along with a few other teenagers.

Anthony realized that what he saw as a disability, God was using to show other abilities. He and his wife were called to serve in youth ministry, and they were willing to go wherever God led them. Despite the challenges he faced, Anthony remained faithful and committed to serving God with his life.

Years later, Anthony looked back on his life and saw how God had used his disability to help others. He knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be, serving God and making a difference in the lives of those around him. Anthony works today as the Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church Goose Creek.


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