The Vision of SCBaptists

SCBaptists believe EVERY LIFE counts and EACH CHURCH can advance.
South Carolina Baptists are a family of churches cooperating to advance the Great Commission together. The South Carolina Baptist Convention team is on mission to help each church advance the Great Commission together. We mobilize missionaries and develop leaders.
- We value the potential of every life; therefore, we don’t give up on people.
- We value the strength of collaboration; therefore, we connect, share, and listen.
- We value the energy of innovation; therefore, we try new ideas.
- We value the lever of leadership; therefore, we network with leaders of leaders.
Advancing Churches
Strong, advancing churches serve their community, share hope with the lost, send missionaries to the world, and start new churches. Our strategy to help each church become a strong, advancing church is to steward moments, generate maps, and summit mountains. We create environments to steward “moments” when God calls leaders to move. We help leaders develop plans to “map” out their journey. We network leaders to climb their “mountain” by providing support in the climb and courage in the valley.
We see a day when every life is saturated by the hope of the Gospel.