
Recording – Revitalization Pastor / Replanter Residency Online Workshop

Recording – Revitalization Pastor / Replanter Residency Online Workshop

Recording – Revitalization Pastor / Replanter Residency Online Workshop

Listen to an audio recording from the Revitalization Pastor / Replanter Residency Online Workshop hosted on 3/10/22 by SC Baptist Church Strategies Group.

Practitioner Panel:

  • Dave Kiehn, Park Baptist Church, Rock Hill
  • Michael Baker, Renfrew Baptist, Travelers Rest
  • Keelan Cook, SEBTS / former AMS
  • Craig Tuck, Charleston Baptist Association
  • James Nugent, SC Baptist Convention

Brief Glance at Conversation Notes:

  • Why do we need pastoral residencies?
  • Why should a pastor seek develop future pastoral leadership through a residency?
  • How can a rural, small town church be involved in developing future pastors and sending them to revitalization opportunities?
  • What role does a SBC seminary have and how can it partner with our local churches?
  • How does an associational leader assist and foster a vision for developing and deploying replanters so that churches are renewed?
  • What challenges could be expected when I begin to invest in future leadership?
  • What resources are available for residencies?

Our hope in this conversation is that we can begin to advance the movement of strengthening churches as we increase the number of future leaders receiving intentional preparation for ministry. How would God have you join this movement of developing revitalization pastors and replanters?

We’d love to hear from you and help you take you first steps toward starting a pastoral residency in South Carolina. Or maybe you’re looking for a residency opportunity. Send a quick note to

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