Prayer Requests for the Asia-Pacific Rim Affinity

Jarod Davis (pictured left) is a missionary in the Asia-Pacific Rim, or APAC, and has been now for eighteen years. His focus is on helping Asian churches send out their own missionaries to join with the IMB towards the advancement of the Gospel. “There are many unengaged, unreached people groups that are unreachable to Americans but that are very reachable to National Partners that God has raised up,” Jarod said.
There are 2.3 billion people in the Asia-Pacific Rim Affinity and 43,545 people die every day in that affinity and enter a Christless eternity. Jarod said “we have an urgency and a task to engage all of them.” He also wanted to thank South Carolina Baptists who’ve chosen to partner with them to engage people in that affinity.
However, the work is not done. Jarod is grateful for the churches that have already formed partnerships with their teams, but says that “they need help to finish engaging the rest.” Jarod says there are “too many unengaged, unreached people groups with no access to the Gospel. That’s something, as we partner together with our national partners and with you, that we can really finish this task together,” he said.
Jarod prays that SCBaptists will consider giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering and to the Cooperative Program as a whole so that he and other missionaries can keep doing the work they are engaged in. He also hopes SCBaptists will consider going. “There are many opportunities for short-term and mid-term trips. There is also applying with the International Mission Board and going long-term and joining us as a missionary together so that we can finally finish the Gospel and finish the task in the Asia-Pacific Rim.
Please join us in praying that God would raise up missionaries to go to the Asia-Pacific Rim, and please continue to pray for the work being done there even now.
If you would like to learn more about our partnership in the Asia-Pacific Rim, visit
To learn more about the Finish Initiative of the SCBaptist Convention where we assist churches to engage unreached people groups that live in South Carolina, visit