
Nine Ways to Celebrate Disaster Relief Sunday

Nine Ways to Celebrate Disaster Relief Sunday

Nine Ways to Celebrate Disaster Relief Sunday

The first Sunday of June is designated each year on the Southern Baptist calendar as a day to recognize Disaster Relief (DR) ministry in your church, association, or state. You are encouraged to celebrate the efforts of your local volunteers to ADVANCE God’s Kingdom by bringing help, hope, and healing to people affected by disasters.

Choose from these options or create your own ideas for DR Sunday in your church:

  • In pre-service announcement slides, include photos and/or statistics from your church or association’s DR units at work. Ask the DR Unit Leader for pictures.
  • Show this video thanking DR volunteers for their service: Celebrate Disaster Relief Sunday with Send Relief on Vimeo
  • Invite a DR Unit Leader to summarize the past year’s deployments by your local unit or SC units.
  • Have a volunteer give a brief testimony of what serving in DR means to them.
  • Have a volunteer share a story of how they saw God at work in the life of a resident they helped on a recent deployment.
  • Describe the types of units in your church/association.
  • Ask all DR volunteers present to stand so the congregation can show their appreciation.
  • Bring all DR volunteers to the front for the pastor to pray over them and the DR ministry.
  • Set up your DR unit in the parking lot for people to tour through, manned by volunteers who can explain and answer questions.


  • Sue Harmon

    Sue Harmon

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