Focus on Jesus Morning Sacrifice, Week Three/ Day 6

Focus on Jesus
I Corinthians 1:18-25
Verse 18, “For to those who are perishing the message of the cross is foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power.” The world will never understand how we put our trust in God and know He will guide us in truth. If the church has a chance of revitalization, it desperately needs God’s power. His work cannot be done in man’s strength. Our focus must be on Jesus and what He did on the cross.
A minister in a Methodist church in England was told the church was going to be closed by its local conference. The old preacher asked if they would allow him to preach for one year and see if he could turn it around. He said he believed if he could just preach the cross for one year, he would see change. They gave him the opportunity, and within one year, it became a vibrant church again – by the power of the cross.
The cross is still powerful. Maybe this is what your church needs—to get back to Jesus and the message of the cross. There are so many needs and concerns in the hearts and minds of people today that it is easy to fall for the health and wealth gospel and lean toward the social gospel, but the need of every person and church is the power found in Jesus and the cross.
Remember why your church began initially. Someone stood on the first piece of property and prayed God would bless the church so people in the community surrounding the church would come to know Christ. If we can get back to that original purpose and let Jesus be the focus, there is hope for the church and its community’s finding salvation and hope.
You can’t control everyone, but you can determine where you stand. Is your focus on Jesus? Do you know you have the power of God upon you and your decision making? Will you make the right decision?
Sovereign God, never let me forget the cross. Keep the cross in my mind constantly as a reminder that You went to every extreme to save me and show me how much You genuinely love me. Keep my focus on Jesus. Amen!
Dr. Jerry K. Sosebee,
Retired Director of Church Strategies
South Carolina Baptist Convention