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To the Gutenbergs

To the Gutenbergs

To the Gutenbergs

You did it. You have overcome one of the most incredible obstacles that the modern church has ever seen, and you accomplished this feat at Easter. 

You are exhausted. Tired. Done. 

But don’t give up. Keep going.

Your pastor may not ever understand exactly what you do, or how you do it, but that’s why God has placed you in the position He has placed you. God designed you for this unique purpose.

He’s got you right where you are. For such a time as this.

So thank you.

To church techies, nerds, geeks, and engineers struggling as you go through a box of tangled cords in order to get your grainy, pixelated footage to OBS on your five-year-old laptop chugging along at ten frames per second.

Thank you.

To videographers and editors lighting your pastor with Home Depot floodlamps and your college lighting fixture you stole from your living room and then proceeding to stay up until 3am to babysit a render when it’s failed the fourth time at 98%.

Thank you.

To the worship leaders singing into your laptop with a microphone that makes your voice sound like a mix between Chewbacca and a robot, wishing that nobody ever had to listen to it. 

Thank you.

To the band and choir members fighting low bandwidth at your house while your son does online school, listening to a click track through your daughter’s Mickey Mouse headphones, recording your part for a video compilation. 

Thank you.

To designers, artists and creatives making forty-five graphics a day.

Thank you.

To developers and social media managers rebuilding sites and platforms from the ground up.

Thank you.

To the worship leaders and youth leaders who have become the defacto “media person” until further notice because you are “young and understand technology.”

Thank you.

To those who are faithfully streaming your low budget video for a prayer meeting, daily devotional, or Sunday service from your messy house with your eight-year-old iPhone that’s propped up against your commentaries that you took from the church office.

Thank you.

More Gospel content has been made available worldwide in the past few weeks than ever before.  You are behind-the-scenes servant leaders who use your time and talent to get the Good News out and get the job done. You are the modern-day Gutenbergs, innovating and trying new things and technologies in order to propel the Gospel forward.

Everything you have done is for the sake of the Gospel.
Everything you do is unto the Lord.

What you do matters.
You matter.

So, if no one has told you yet, you radiate and reflect His Glory. The way you see details. The way you evaluate, discern, and strive to make things better. The way you desire to make each pixel you interact with a piece of art and an act of worship.

He sees you.
He loves you.
He is proud of you.

Your act of service and heart for ministry in service to your church community and your offering what you can to Jesus in love is an alabaster jar, broken and poured out as a sweet perfume at His feet.

It is beautiful.
It is lovely.
It is worship.

Thank you.

This article was written in collaboration by Alex Lyons and Matt Freeman . Both staff members of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, Alex serves as the Creative Director and Matt serves as the Associate Director of Worship and Music.


  • Alex Lyons

    Alex Lyons

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