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The Eternal Impact of Cooperative Program Giving

The Eternal Impact of Cooperative Program Giving

The Eternal Impact of Cooperative Program Giving

Zack Little, Pastor
South Side Baptist Church in Abbeville, SC

I want to tell you a story about a little boy who grew up in South Carolina. 

When he was a little boy some Christians gave money to something called the Cooperative Program.  The money was given to the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

The parents of that little boy sent him to Camp McCall where he was taught that God loves him, that God loves others, and that God wanted to use him to spread the love of Jesus around the world. 

That same little boy, now a preteen, attended a youth camp called SummerSalt, where his faith in Jesus was strengthened in a new and fresh way. 

That boy, who was now a young college student, was encouraged by the BCM director to attend a collegiate retreat called Converge, where his eyes were opened in a new way to God’s heart for the nations. 

Later that year that BCM director encouraged that same college student to spend his Christmas break sharing the gospel in China.  He shared the gospel with a young Chinese man who had never even heard the name of Jesus. 

That young college student, who was now serving as a youth director at a church, had the privilege of leading many students to faith in Jesus at that same youth camp that had impacted him. 

That youth director, now a pastor of a South Carolina Baptist church, went on a church planting vision trip to Boston.  He got connected with a church planter and led his church to partner with him serving the needs in their community.  There he invited a college student to that church plant where she has since been baptized and is being discipled. 

That little boy is me.

I want to say thank you to all those Christians who have given sacrificially to the Cooperative Program.  Thank you to the South Carolina Baptist Convention for helping churches fulfill the great commission. Thank you for helping us work towards a day when every life has been saturated and transformed by the hope of the gospel beginning in SC and going to the ends of the earth. 

I am grateful for the eternal impact the South Carolina Baptist Convention has had on my life as churches have given to the Cooperative Program. 


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