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CLPAC Update – April 24, 2024

CLPAC Update – April 24, 2024

CLPAC Update – April 24, 2024

The 2024 South Carolina Legislative Session will end two weeks from this Thursday.  This week the Senate is hard at work on the budget, but beginning this Tuesday, April 30,
legislation that has languished will be rushed to the floor for the final two weeks. 
The good news is, H4624, the Do No Harm bill will likely come up for a vote this coming Tuesday.  Senate leadership is committed to getting this bill to the floor and the votes are there to pass it into law.  Soon, children in South Carolina will be protected from puberty blockers, cross hormone treatments, and transgender surgery all masquerading as “gender care.” 
If you prayed or contacted your senator, or both, you made a difference.  Last week, it appeared this bill might be held up past the end of the session.  This week, the mood has changed and the chance for its passage is very good.  Thank you for being informed and for responding!  Continue praying this week that the current momentum for passing this bill will be maintained.
There are two other bills in the Senate that we need your help to defeat.  The Equine Advancement Act (H3514) would introduce parimutuel gambling by allowing online betting on horse racing.  This bill is being promoted as a method to help the struggling equine industry.  However, 90% of the money bet on the races would go out of state with 5% set aside for administrative costs and 5% going to help the equine industry.  While parimutuel gambling is bad enough, the real purpose of this bill is to pave the way for other forms of gambling (sports, casino, poker, roulette, etc.) that if enacted, will quickly transform our culture away from the family atmosphere we enjoy today.
The other bill is Sunday Alcohol Sales.  I spoke to several Senators who are pushing back against both bills.  They need calls to senators who say they are haven’t received any pushback on gambling or Sunday sales of alcohol.  Please contact your senator right away and let them know you oppose parimutuel betting and Sunday alcohol sales.  Your calls and emails this week and next week will help the senators who are fighting against these bills by showing there is real opposition.
If you need contact information for your senator, go to and put in your address in the lower left-hand side of the home page to find the contact information for your senator. 
Thank you!  Your calls and emails make a difference!  Please contact your senator today! 
He must increase, I must decrease,
Dr. Tony Beam
Policy Consultant

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