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Official Statement Regarding Search Committee Appointments and Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

Official Statement Regarding Search Committee Appointments and Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

Official Statement Regarding Search Committee Appointments and Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

Search Committee Recommendations:

These appointments to the executive director search committee coincide with the Standing Rules of the Executive Board as a duty of the Board Chair. It is my hope that you will see my heart’s desire to be as balanced and sensitive to all of our churches in South Carolina.
Dwight EaslerĀ  Admin Committee (Ex officio)
Bryan Fields (Vice Chairplanning and min)
Marshall Blalock (BF&A chair)
Will Browning (BFA)
Alex Sands (Planning and Ministries Chair)
Ty Childers (BFA)
Rocky Purvis (Admin chair)
Duane Greene (Properties chair)
Larry Baldwin (Scholarships)
Joe Willard (Scholarships)

Recommendation of Dr. Richard Harris as Interim Ex. Director


I welcome the opportunity to recommend Dr. Richard Harris as interim executive director .Ā  I believe Dr. Harris will prepare our state convention for transition and be a team builder for our staff and our denominational institutions going forward.Ā  His leadership record and success in interim positions, of both the North American Mission Board and many churches across our nation is well known and respected.Ā  Dr. Harris has a wide range of experience with the North American Mission board after 29 12 years of service in evangelism and church planting coordination.Ā  He exhibited very capable leadership skills as an interim president of NAMB in 2009 – 2010 during that transitional period.Ā  He stands out as a person of high integrity, leadership capability and a heart for the Great Commission.Ā  He is highly trusted and recommended by both national leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention and those he served as interim pastor in 26 local churches.Ā  Dr. Harris has a servant spirit that can lead, heal, and build relationships in our state to prepare us to experience Godā€™s finest future for the South Carolina Baptist Convention and her partners.

Dwight Easler, Chairman
SCBC Executive Board

Biographical Sketch for Dr. Richard Harris


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