New Director of GenSend Los Angeles from SC

After spending over six years as the Worship & Creative Pastor at Journey Church in North Charleston, SC, Cory Singleton is answering God’s call to become the new Director of GenSend LA. GenSend, a ministry of the North American Mission Board, gives college-age students a chance to spend their summer on mission within one of the North American Mission Board’s Send Cities.
“It’s been a dream season of ministry developing and deploying many, many special people to us. We’ve taught them to always be going for it, and always being surrendered to what God wants,” Cory said. “Now God is saying ‘go’ again, so again we go.” Cory’s work will also include a partnership with California Baptist University building relationships with college students.
Please join us in praying for Cory and his family and for the work that God is doing in Los Angeles.