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Mud-Out Ministry in Kentucky

Mud-Out Ministry in Kentucky

Mud-Out Ministry in Kentucky

Mr. M with DR chaplain Dave Jarvis

With tears of compassion in their eyes, South Carolina Disaster Relief (SCDR) volunteers told of their visit to a home in eastern Kentucky.  The elderly man living there had been walking on soaking wet carpet and sleeping on a wet mattress because of the recent flood. Mr. M had nowhere else to live and no relatives to help him.

The volunteers were there because Kentucky Baptists requested assistance from other state conventions in helping residents to clean up after the flooding. South Carolina was asked to establish a recovery site in McDowell, KY.

Unfortunately, McDowell is a familiar area to the DR volunteers. Many of them served there after that same area was flooded just 17 months ago. The residents are overwhelmed. Often when they enter the recovery site to request assistance, they cry tears of relief that there is someone who can help them.

The DR teams are doing flood recovery work, also known as “mud-out.” It is hard, dirty work. But the volunteers do it with love in their hearts. It is an opportunity to show Jesus’ love to people who are hurting, and to share the gospel through actions and words.

Mr. M heard that God cares and saw that God’s people care. His wet mattress was replaced through the help of a local ministry, God’s Appalachian Partnership (GAP). His home was added to the list to have a DR mud-out team help him, and a few days later there was a team working in his home. These DR teams are fulfilling their mission of bringing help, hope, and healing to the people of eastern Kentucky, one homeowner at a time.

There are three ways to support this ministry to the people of eastern Kentucky and other areas where disasters occur:

  • Pray: for the residents who are struggling to keep going, for them to be open to receiving help, and for the volunteers to serve safely. Pray that hearts will be turned to receive Christ.
  • Give: gifts to SC Baptist Disaster Relief will help to continue the ministry, getting teams and supplies to the areas in need.
  • Go: plan to join the Disaster Relief ministry by attending a training event and being open to being sent. The next training is Oct. 15. Learn more HERE.

This ministry is made possible through the generous gifts of SC Baptist churches and individuals through the Cooperative Program and the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions, and through gifts to SCBC Disaster Relief. Thank you for your continued support.


  • Sue Harmon

    Sue Harmon

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