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Church Plants in South Carolina

Church Plants in South Carolina

Church Plants in South Carolina

This article was featured in the February 2023 edition of The Baptist Courier. 

When new churches are “born,” it is miraculous. In a five-week span last fall, five new South Carolina Baptist Convention churches were “born” when they launched public worship services. Mosaic Church in Anderson, Redeemer City Church in Greenville, Rivers Edge Church in Longs, The Church at Piedmont Mill in Piedmont, and IDDowntown Church in Spartanburg all began worshiping publicly between September 18 and October 23.

When new churches are “born” the day is filled with celebration and excitement, but the men who pastor those new churches and the teams of people that help them get started know that weeks, months, and even years of hard work preceded the birth. The men who pastor the churches that launched last fall spent time sharing the Gospel with their neighbors, prayer walking their towns, teaching small group Bible studies in their homes, serving their local schools, and looking for every possible way to live as missionaries before the birthday of their churches.

All that hard work is worth it when new people hear and respond to the Gospel and are baptized into the fellowship of the church. All five churches that launched last fall have already baptized newbelievers!When you pray this week, thank God for these new churches, and pray by name for the men who planted and now pastor them: Tim McKnight (Mosaic Church in Anderson), Philip Smith (Redeemer City Church in Greenville), Ross Grall (Rivers Edge Church in Longs), Jason Reid (The Church at Piedmont Mill in Piedmont), and Taylor Little(ID Downtown Church in Spartanburg).

Find a full list of SCBaptist church plants to pray for at

-Cliff Marshall, Start Team Leader


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