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Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is an exciting time for Southern Baptists to come together and support the spread of the gospel throughout North America. This special fundraising initiative, named after a beloved Southern Baptist leader, provides an opportunity for church members to give generously and make a significant impact in their communities and beyond.

What makes the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering so unique is the way it supports the work of missionaries and church planters who are on the frontlines of sharing the love of Christ. These dedicated workers are serving in areas that are often difficult to reach, and the funds raised through the offering provide critical resources that enable them to effectively share the gospel with those they serve.

Here’s what a few current missionaries had to say:

-“When you give to Annie Armstrong, you help to make my ministry possible. I could not do what I do here, in New Orleans, if you do not do what you do in your local church.” -Kay Bennett, North American Missionary, New Orleans, Louisiana

-“Without your generosity, our church-and other church plants-couldn’t survive.” -Philip and Andi Coleman, North American Missionaries, Anchorage, Alaska

By giving generously, you are investing in the advancement of the Kingdom of God and making a lasting impact in the lives of those who hear the gospel through the work of missionaries and church planters. So let’s give generously and joyfully to this worthy cause, and watch as God uses our gifts to bring about the Great Commission.

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