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Additional Severe Weather in Upstate: New Response ALERT

Additional Severe Weather in Upstate: New Response ALERT

Additional Severe Weather in Upstate: New Response ALERT

Update 5:00 p.m. Monday 4/27: Praise the Lord, the need in the Greenville storm was not as great as it first appeared and at this point we do not anticipate needing any units or volunteers beyond those already scheduled to serve. Our SC Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are wonderful about responding quickly to meet crisis needs in Jesus’ name!

Less than two weeks after the tornado outbreak that wreaked havoc in multiple areas of the state, another severe weather event has impacted the upstate, this time mostly in Greenville. Chainsaw units in the upstate are again being activated to serve, even as some units are still helping to finish up in Seneca.

Unit Leaders of upstate or upper midlands units should put together a team and notify the DOC of what day this week you can serve. Volunteers in the upstate or upper midlands, please notify your unit leader  of your availability. 

Assessors and chaplains are needed immediately (starting Monday morning, 4/27 and continuing for several days). Chainsaw units are needed, probably each day this week, but this response will likely not extend past this week. Heavy equipment is a must – SCBC DR Director Randy Creamer said on Sunday afternoon after the storms hit on Saturday night, “Every tree that’s down is a big tree. There’s not a small tree in sight.”

A command post has been established at Edwards Road Baptist Church, Greenville. Because of Covid-19, we are asking only for units within driving distance, able to go home at night. Please travel in separate vehicles, maintain 6 ft of distance as much as possible while serving, wear a face covering when around people, and wash or sanitize hands frequently. 


  • Sue Harmon

    Sue Harmon

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