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Action Alert for The Human Life Protection Act

Action Alert for The Human Life Protection Act

Action Alert for The Human Life Protection Act

Today, the Human Life Protection Act (H3774) began the process of making its way through the House.  The House Judiciary Special Laws sub-committee met to discuss this bill and thankfully,  after a brief time of testimony,  passed it on to the full Committee. 

Last year, a similar bill passed the House and came very close to passing in the Senate before a Republican led filibuster blocked its final passage.  This bill addresses many of the concerns expressed by the Senate.  That fact, combined with the fact the SC Supreme Court struck down the Heartbeat Bill may give this bill the momentum it will need to get through the Senate. 

The bill is not perfect.  It contains exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.  Last year, the Senate insisted on the last exception to overcome the filibuster. The bill bans abortion beginning at conception and it seeks to reinforce the separation of powers in our state constitution, making it harder for the Supreme Court to overturn the law when it faces a legal challenge from Planned Parenthood. 

There are other pro-life bills pending in the House and the Senate.  I will send you information about them when they are assigned to Committee and are scheduled for a hearing.  You can read H3774 here:

Please contact your Representative and urge them to support this bill.  You can find your House member by going to  The members of the House Judiciary Special Laws Committee are listed here:

He must increase, I must decrease

Dr. Tony Beam


SCBC Office of Public Policy


  • Dr. Tony Beam

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