The Rutledge Family

Feature Date:

Liam, Kennedy, and their daughter Sage, live in a major Islamic city in North Africa. Liam and Kennedy call Greenville home after marrying while they were students at North Greenville University. They have been on the field for two and a half years and will complete their term this fall. They have plans to move back to Greenville, finish seminary, and head back overseas. Their daughter Sage is a new addition, born March 16th of this year! Liam and Kennedy primarily work with local college students and young professionals in their city who are seeking relationships with English speakers to grow their language skills. They partner with Universities in the US to send college students on short-term trips to help meet English-speaking locals and share the Good News with them. One of their biggest partnerships are with South Carolina BCM students and the Palmetto Collective. The biggest time for ministry is during the summer months when American students come and live in their city for up to 6 weeks at a time.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for their national partners, that they would grow in their faith as they face persecution from the culture and their families.
  • Please lift up the summer program as they welcome student groups from May through July, their biggest time to meet locals and share the Good News.
  • Please pray for their family as they prepare to transition back to the States later this year for approximately six months after 3 years overseas.
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This South Carolina Baptist Convention resource is made possible through the Cooperative Program giving of South Carolina Baptist churches.