Spring Catalysts Launched for Ministry

Eleven students have successfully finished the Catalyst program at the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Over the 12 weeks, these students have engaged in hands-on ministry opportunities and received mentorship from leaders in their field.
The Catalyst program, now in its third year, is designed to equip the next generation for ministry. The program invests in, mentors, and helps Catalysts experience the power of cooperative mission and ministry. Each year, students or young adults from high school graduates to age 23 who feel a call to ministry, a desire to grow in ministry skills, and an interest to be in community with other like-minded people apply for the program.
Ministry Specific Mentorship
Because ministry is multi-faceted, Catalysts have the opportunity to apply for various positions according to their giftedness. Currently there are opportunities available in creative, evangelism, worship, missions, and children’s ministries. Catalyst Jordan Danford, said, “I love the chance to learn about leading well while also getting to practice things I am gifted in.”
Additionally, each Catalyst is paired with a field-specific mentor who is an expert in their field. Anna Ellis said, “My mentor spoke encouragement over me and fostered opportunities for my growth.”

Hands-On Ministry Training
During the program, Catalysts had opportunities to engage in ministry specific tasks, outreach, and evangelism opportunities, including organizing a prayer campaign on social media for SC colleges and universities, assisting with One Night, a worship and outreach event for student ministries, capturing live photo and video coverage at events, and helping at the Ministers’ Wives Retreat, among others. Josh Martin said, “For those who want to pursue vocational ministry, the Catalyst program is a great opportunity to help you grow in practical ministry skills.”

Spiritual Growth
While many Catalysts felt a calling or confirmation to ministry or missions during the program, they all agreed that the program strengthened their relationship with the Lord. “The Catalyst program not only taught me about ministry but showed me how to live as a servant of the Lord with my life focused on Him,” Devon Truesdale said. Preston Bishop agreed, and said “the program helped me grow spiritually and emotionally to understand and equip me for the calling Christ has commissioned me for.”
Fall Catalysts have already been chosen, but applications open up in September to be a Spring Catalyst! Click below for more details.