
KidSalt Track Information

KidSalt Track Information

KidSalt Track Information

KidSalt Track Registration 

This year, we are moving to using online registration forms in place of the participant form. We have a copy of the participant form attached in this packet for your use and convenience only. 

To log your group’s information, you will need to log back into your Brushfire registration using your passcode from your original registration. If you need help, please contact Avery Burchfield at 

With the management link, you will click Manage Attendees on the right side of the screen. Next, click the first KidSalt Registration spot and then choose “Edit/Complete Info.” You will need the following information for each spot that you have registered: 



-Grade Completed

-T-Shirt Size 

-Track 1 (Options 1-3) 

-Track 2 (Options 1-3) 

Special Circumstances

Dietary Allergies (And if they will be bringing an Epipen)

After you fill in the information for the first spot, click Update in the bottom right hand corner. You will then need to fill out the information for all of your registered spots with the same information listed above. Click Update after adding each person’s information. 

KidSalt Tracks

Children have the opportunity to choose tracks to participate in during camp. Tracks take place during the afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Below, and in the pdf available at the bottom of the page, you will find descriptions for each one of the tracks. You can print these pages out to share with the children in your group. 

There is also a KidSalt track card, available in the pdf provided, that you can print out and give to the children in your group to fill out. They will write down their top 3 choices for track 1 and their top 3 choices for track 2. Once they give this form back to you, you will use this information to fill out your participant information into your Brushfire registration.

Tracks are assigned on a first come first serve basis. For a better chance of the children in your group getting assigned to their first or second track choice, please turn in your participants list as soon as possible. If a track fills up before your list is turned in, a child may get their third choice or be placed in a track that is not already full. 

Your church’s track assignments will be given to you at check-in when you arrive to KidSalt, because track assignments are not final until the start date of camp.

Track 1 Descriptions

CENTER STAGE: Do you enjoy being in the spotlight? Then this track is for you! Experience the excitement of what it’s like to perform on the big stage. You’ll enjoy playing instruments, singing, performing in a skit, and learning how to be on stage. 

BASKETBALL: Get ready to shoot some hoops! In this track, you’ll put your skills to the test as you practice drills and play in a high intensity game against your friends. 

CHEER & DANCE: Break out your best dance moves for this track! You’re sure to have a blast as you dance along to the music, and learn a creative and upbeat cheer routine.

ADVENTURE: Do you love the outdoors? This KidSalt track is for you! Enjoy exploring, survivor skills, and camping basics. Adventure is out there.

FLAG FOOTBALL: There’s no “i” in team! In this track, you’ll focus on teamwork as you practice football basics and play in an epic flag football game against your friends. 

CONSTRUCTION: Create, build, and think outside of the box! In this track, you’ll get to construct your own original masterpiece and take it home with you after camp is over.

GIRL POWER: No boys are allowed in this track! Get ready to learn how to be a great woman of God through fun and exciting activities, and epic team-building games. 

VOLLEYBALL: It’s time to bump, set, and spike! In this track, you’ll develop your outdoor volleyball skills through fun games, drills, and playing in a match against your friends.

CHEF SCHOOL: Do you like to eat? Then you’ve come to the right place! In chef school, you’ll make everything from awesome appetizers to delicious desserts. You’ll learn the basics of cooking and even get to taste your creations! 

IRON MAN: You won’t find girls here! The iron man track is all about learning how to be a great man of God through fun adventures, extreme games, and epic challenges.

BIG GAMES: Bring on the BIG GAME Competition. It’s all about the thrill of giant games like GA GA Pit and 9 Square, where you’ll enjoy action packed teamwork and GIANT FUN!

FUN FITNESS: Being active has never been so fun with friends! Get ready to get healthy and MOVE and Groove as you learn the latest line dances for KidSalt Krave.

MINUTE TO WIN IT: This track has fast-paced challenged where you’ll race against the clock to complete tasks like stacking cups and balancing cookies in just 60 seconds. It’s a hilarious and thrilling experience with loads of fun and where every second counts!

Track 2 Descriptions

DISC GOLF: This track is brand new! Be one of the first to experience the excitement of disc golf this year at KidSalt. You’ll learn the basics of the sport, how to throw a frisbee disc, and compete in a super fun disc golf competition against your friends! 

KIDSALT PRODUCTION: In this track, your photography and video skills will come alive! You’ll learn production techniques, and will get to shoot your own pictures and videos!

REC TIME: Are you ready for some competition? Get ready to compete against your friends in games like four square, dodgeball, and corn hole. Win or lose, it’ll be a blast! 

POOL PARTY: Marco Polo! Grab your sunscreen and a towel for this track. It’s all about fun and exciting water games as you head down to the pool for some fun in the sun! 

SOCCER: Put your best foot forward for this track! You’ll learn soccer basics, and will get the chance to practice your skills in high intensity drills and games against your friends.

WACKY SCIENCE: Any wannabe mad scientists out there? This one’s for you! It’s okay to make a mess in this track as you conduct cool experiments and learn interesting facts! 

ARCHERY: From mastering the stance, to hitting the bullseye, you’ll develop confidence and coordination as you experience the excitement of archery!  

PICKLEBALL: No pickles were harmed in the making of this track! Do you like tennis, badminton, or ping pong? Well, this track combines all three! Meet us on the tennis court to learn all about the fun and exciting game of pickleball with your friends. 

CREATIVE ZONE: Let your imagination run wild in this track! Creative zone allows you to explore your artistic side through painting, sculpting, and other arts and crafts. 

H2GO: Cool off with some wet and wild water games! Don’t forget your towel as we splish and splash our way through exciting H2GO activities, like slip-n-slide kickball. 

SCAVENGER HUNT: It’s an exhilarating quest through campus to solve clues and uncover hidden treasures. Be the first team to work together, use your creativity, and explore your world as you complete the hunt.

WATER OLYMPICS: Beat the heat and bring on the water! From relay races to water balloon tosses, it’s all about completing the Aquatic Olympic challenges of the day. Make sure to bring home the gold with this refreshing track.

CAMP ROCK: Are you golden buzzer worthy? Showcase your vocal talent in this performance track. Will the confetti drop and the chairs turn? Let’s find out!

STEM IT IS: Let’s tinker with your thinker! Unleash your creativity through experiments and projects with your team. Will your boat make it across the reflection pond? Let your imagination and skill work as you race to innovate!

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