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Giving 2022 Results

Giving 2022 Results

Giving 2022 Results

As we enter a new year, 2022 Giving has been closed and results have been totaled.

Giving to the Cooperative Program is down 2.6% under last year. Giving was under last year’s totals by $700,510.

CP and Cooperative Gifts together are 1.5% under last year. Giving was under last year’s totals by $409,625.

We are excited to announce that Janie Chapman is 3.4% over last year. Giving increased this year by $66,068.

Also, both the Lottie Moon Offering and the Annie Armstrong Offering are up. Lottie Moon Offering totals were up by 8.0% and Annie Armstrong Offering totals were up by 2.5%.

In total, the giving for CP, Offerings, and Designations is up 1.0% over last year. Giving increased by $421,023.

Praise God for the generosity of South Carolina Baptists!

Click here to see full details of 2022 Giving.


  • Bryan Holley

    Bryan Holley

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