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Advancing in 2022

Advancing in 2022

Advancing in 2022

This article was featured in the January 2022 edition of The Baptist Courier.

There is a high probability that most people received something new during the Christmas season. New toys for children, new clothes for adults and possibly some new experiences for us all.

As we have now entered the New Year of 2022, there is anticipation of new opportunities of ministry in the coming days. Our team at the South Carolina Baptist Convention is always looking for fresh and creative ways of helping churches better fulfill the Great Commission. At the same time, some things never change, primarily our passion for reaching every life with the hope of the Gospel.

Our prayer for every church in the SCBC family is that each will stay focused on reaching the lost in your community, and in doing so, we pray we will see a decrease in the 3.6 million lost population of our state.

We would love for you to watch for and be a part of some of the new and creative ways we continue to come alongside our churches in order to Advance the Gospel of Jesus, beginning here in South Carolina but going around the world!

-Dr. Gary Hollingsworth, Executive Director-Treasurer


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