The G Family
Feature Date:
The G Family, serving in Asian Pacific Rim (APAC) with IMB
Jon and Raegan have served in APAC for more than 17 years. They have four children. Ellie is a sophomore at Baylor. Mary Grace graduates this June from high school. Jon Davis is a Junior in high school. Drew (15) has special needs and lives at home with Jon and Raegan.
They lead a team in a city where the population is more than 90% Muslim. Together with their team of IMB personnel and local believers, they seek to share the gospel and plant churches in a city of almost 4 million people.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for the G family’s national partners who have been faithful to share the gospel in the midst of difficult circumstances. Pray for the 10 house churches and the house church leaders they are shepherding.
Pray for Jon and Raegan as they lead the team in their city and as they support 8 other team leaders on their island.
Pray for their youngest son, Drew as he continues to learn at home and at a local special needs school. Pray for those on their team who are helping to teach him.