
SCGo Camp Frequently Asked Questions

SCGo Camp Frequently Asked Questions

SCGo Camp Frequently Asked Questions


Who should come to SCGo Camp?  

A:  Students who have finished 6th – 12th grade.  For High School Students, it is preferable that they have made a profession of faith so they can participate in the “beta group” that will go through Evangelism training and sent to “proclaim.”  The decision for group assignment is up to the Student Ministry leader of each church.  

How does a group handle lodging?  

A:  Each church is in charge of making its own decision regarding lodging.  Depending on the size of the group, it is not difficult to find a decent sized AirBnB (or two) with a full kitchen to accommodate the group.   Hotels are also an option and many provide breakfast.  

How does a group handle meals?  

A:  With the exception of lunch on Monday and Dinner on Wednesday, each church is in charge of their own meals and snacks.   

  • Lunches should be simple sack lunches prepared in the morning.   
  • For groups that utilize a hotel, space and refrigeration will be available for groups that want to prepare their lunches at the church base in the morning before deployment.
  • Ample time is given for dinner.  Groups may return to their accommodations or the Charleston area has numerous inexpensive out-to-eat options. 
  • Pro Tip:  Each church should designate an adult volunteer with the ability to drive to handle all meal related needs.  It may be preferable to have a smaller errand-running vehicle for this purpose.  
  • Monday will be a Chickfila lunch.  Wednesday will be a hotdog cookout.   We will not have the ability to cater to specific dietary needs.  Please plan accordingly.  

How do the Finances work?  

  • Upon registration, $25 deposit per student is due
  • May 6: Last Day to drop spots and receive a refund
  • June 6: Final Payments due
  • T-shirts may be ordered separately.  Not included in registration.  
  • Wednesday night Tailgate dinner is included as well as a ticket to the game. 
  • All other fun activities are the responsibility of the church 
  • Each Church is responsible for fuel and the maintenance of their vehicles 

What are the details on Adult Leaders?  

  • All adults that are 18 and older as of July 1st, will need a background check through the SCBC.  (this includes students that are 18 and older) 
  • We suggest at least a 6 to 1 ratio and at least one female and at least one male adult leader.   Please set rules appropriately and conservatively at your accommodations. 
  • At no time will adult leaders be one-on-one in a vehicle or in a room with a lone student.  

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