Ministry Assistant Track: A Ministry Assistant’s Abundance
Ministry Assistant Track: A Ministry Assistant’s Abundance
Ministry Assistants offer more than their administrative knowledge and technical skills. Have you ever considered that God prepared and called you to serve him and your church or association in this role? Let’s learn the “ABCs” of those who first served and apply those attributes to our resourcefulness.
Shirley McBride
Shirley McBride
Shirley has been a member of Sweetwater Baptist in North Augusta for over thirty years and has served in multiple areas during that time, including directing the Women's and Children's Ministries. Shirley spent 15 years serving in the Children’s Ministry through AWANA, Mission Friends, and Girls In Action. One of her accomplishments includes beginning the annual Chocolate & Friends women’s fellowship through the Sisters of Sweetwater (Women’s Ministry). Shirley has served as Ministry Assistant for two local churches for over 12 years and has supported the Aiken Baptist Association as Office Manager, Treasurer, and Clerk for over two years. In May of 2023, she was elected as President-Elect of the SCBaptist Ministry Assistant’s Association. Shirley has been married to Chris for 29 years, and they have a beautiful married daughter, Kristen (Jacob Kramer), and three other children whom God called home early in their lives. By God’s direction, she even self-published her testimony, Surviving with Joy, which explains God’s hand on her life when each child entered eternity and caring for Kristen through those years.